Building Heroes Note: At 2:16 p.m. yesterday, my family and I welcomed the birth of our second child. After a day of celebration and sleep deprivation, I awoke today like many others to find that our world had changed overnight ... and yet, that our world also had stayed the same. In this opportunity of thinking about the world we will give future generations, and the values with which we will equip them, I found the following story at that also seized the opportunity to discuss celebrity, heroism, role models, and most importantly, inspiring the next generation of heroes. --
When events like this sweep the news and conversation, it’s a perfect time for parents and educators to engage children on the topic of heroes, role models and leaders. And of course, this episode brings to mind many American citizens who have been crowned national heroes —from the firefighters and police killed on 9/11 to the Navy Seals who stormed Osama’s compound—displaying courage, conviction and patriotism.