Jane Shure: The Courage to Speak Up: The Anti-Bystander Position | Huffington Post

Jane Shure: The Courage to Speak Up: The Anti-Bystander Position | Huffington Post


Change happens slowly. It happens when leaders are inspired to do the right thing and protect the oppressed, not those who are oppressing. It happens when organizations examine their policies, practices and procedures including, as Amos Kamil points out, "whistle-blower protections to ensure that any person can freely report alleged violations." And it happens when we actively support each other to engage in more acts of courage. via Jane Shure: The Courage to Speak Up: The Anti-Bystander Position | Huffington Post.

Are We Moral Animals? | Psychology Today

Are We Moral Animals? | Psychology Today

Writing Wednesdays: The Hero’s Journey in Real Life | Steven Pressfield Online

Writing Wednesdays: The Hero’s Journey in Real Life | Steven Pressfield Online