The monster in your closet is real

As adults, the monsters in our closets may be the deep, dark secrets we're afraid of, such as personal failings or continuing weaknesses we may be hiding from our family or friends. They may be uncomfortable truths we don't want to acknowledge about our group, such as the spreading of a distrustful, negative culture or even that the organization is faltering at the precipice of failure. It can be scary to even think about those monsters that are lurking in the darkness, and even more terrifying to think about dragging them into the light.

It's time for fraternities to die

For those of you who are not the "true believers" of the fraternal movement, you can probably cite any number of reasons for fraternities (and sororities) to go away. The most recent example is an article from the Atlantic, but you also could look up statistics about alcohol, hazing, or sexual assault in fraternal organizations, or you could save yourself a lot of time by just Googling "TFM".

It is possible to come up with any number of reasons for fraternities to go away, but the reason I offer you has little to do with any of those.

The Building Heroes & the Power Button Top Five (& One Favorite) of 2013

In the three years since launching the Building Heroes blog, I have been fortunate to have more than 46,500 people read at least one of my 200 posts, a far cry from the 44 visitors I had after my first month. However, with growth comes change.

β€œThe snake which cannot shed its skin must perish.” -Friedrich Nietzsche

On November 1, 2013, I relaunched BuildingHeroes.Org as ThePowerButton.Org. Building Heroes always will be a part of the Power Button, as evidenced by its prominent placement on the site, and it is my hope that the Power Button's message will reach some of those who would not otherwise connect with the language of "heroism".

So, in the spirit of looking back before moving forward into the New Year, here are the top five most read posts from the Building Heroes and the Power Button blogs from 2013, as well as a personal favorite to propel you forward into the New Year.