All in Workplace

The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace: Empowering Organizations by Encouraging People (My 3 Takeaways)

"Recognition is about improving performance and focuses on what is good for the company. Appreciation emphasizes what is good for the company and good for the person (which may sometimes mean helping them find a position that is better for them than their current role," (Chapman & White, p. 20).

Recognition is about the value of a person’s behavior, but appreciation is about the value of the person.

In their book, "The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace," Gary Chapman and Paul White articulate that each of us has our own primary and secondary languages of appreciation. When others communicate our value through our primary or secondary languages, we feel valued. When those types of messages are repeatedly sent outside of our primary and secondary languages, we will not feel valued.

The Infinite Game (My 3 Takeaways)

By focusing on the benefits for a few people who are in positions of power, finite-minded practices can have significant negative impacts on trust, collaboration, and creativity, as well as performance and productivity in the long term.

The choice to lead with an infinite mindset, however, demonstrates a commitment to taking care of the organization’s people and focusing on the organization’s vision for the future.

It's the Manager: Gallup finds the quality of managers and team leaders is the single biggest factor in your organization's long-term success (My 3 Takeaways)

For more than 80 years, Gallup has been studying what makes “a great life.” For most of that time, people wanted the basic necessities of safety, food, and shelter, followed by having a family and owning a home, which colloquially became known as “the American Dream.” Now, having a good job has become a higher priority than anything other than every human being’s basic necessities.

However, having a “great job” is truly transformational.

The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and Growth (My 3 Takeaways)

In a world where the pace of change continues to accelerate, and where it is essential to leverage people’s emotional, intellectual, and and relational talents, organizations must position people in every level of an organization to bring the best of those talents to the table. Despite this dire need, far too many organizations are stifling those talents by creating, fostering, and protecting cultures of insecurity and interpersonal fear. Amy C. Edmondson’s book, “The Fearless Organization,” provides a blueprint for fostering psychological safety in organizations, empowering individuals to be their best selves and demonstrate their best work.

12: The Elements of Great Managing (My 3 Takeaways)

On May 7, 2019, Gallup will be releasing its latest book by Jim Clifton and Jim Harter, “It’s the Manager,” which promises to empower managers to thrive in a new era of work, including insights into Strategy, Culture, Employment Brand, Boss to Coach, and the Future of Work.

Before “It’s the Manager” launches, here are my three biggest takeaways from “12: The Elements of Great Managing,” by Rodd Wagner and James K. Harter, Ph.D.